I follow friends and family but also lots of other Mommies and several photographers, both amateur and professional. These are the people that introduced me to the '365 Project': a photo a day for a whole year…and I was hooked. I desperately wanted to do one myself, of my then-only-child Colt starting January 1, 2013. But when January 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th came and went and my morning sick, pregnant self didn't have the energy to lift my camera up to my face, let alone think about cute poses or watching for candid moments…my 365 Project was done before it began.
So I set my sights a little lower, thinking maybe I'd do a photo a week…and by February I wasn't enjoying my project anymore…too much pressure to capture a great photo every week! I learned that I am not cut out for a photo a day or a photo a week…I briefly forgot this when I tackled a photo-a-day challenge for the month of October last year…and I missed days, got behind, posted my photos late and used old photos on days I wasn't 'inspired'…yikes.
ANYWAY, as Valentine's Day rolled around last year I discovered that there WAS a photo project I felt like I could tackle: Holidays! If you know me well, you know I'm a sucker for a theme…so themed holiday photo shoots were so me! And I liked that I would be able to add Landon to the project after he was born the end of June.
So, without further adieu, I give you my 2013 Not-So-365 Holiday Photo Project!